A 17-year-old girl adopted from Ethiopia leads a racial justice march in her small, conservative town, igniting a fierce cultural battle that divides friends, families and church members, and forces the community to confront deeply ingrained issues of identity and race.

Runtime: 74 minutes




What People Are Saying

“The filmmakers give a lot of space to the question of how a small, predominantly Christian town reconciles the diverging positions of its citizenry.”

IMDb Review

Lynden offers a poignant picture of the realities facing the current American divide and offers hope in the strength and courage of some of our youngest civilians and activists.”

IMDb Review

“The film is beautifully photographed, extremely well paced, and punctuates its intense story-line with humor and pathos.”

IMDb Review

“This is a timely and admirably well-balanced portrait of the monumental clash of culture that is playing out in small towns across the US.”

— IMDb Review

Original Music By Mike Edel & M.E. Netzke

"We’ve Been Here Before (A Dream Don’t Come Easy)”